Thursday, January 15, 2015

cold brew.

Winter is most certainly here in New England.  Temperatures are frigid, snow is always a possibility and wearing as many layers as possible is the only option.  However, any true New Englander will tell you that they will take their coffee on ice despite what mother nature might be serving up.  I am no exception and my favorite way to make iced coffee is by cold brewing it.  
I've only recently discovered how easy to make and delicious cold brewed coffee is.  All you need is a french press, ground coffee, water and time.  Unlike traditional brewing, this process requires cold water.  This allows the coffee to brew without burning the grounds which is what sometimes gives coffee that bitter, acidic taste.  Cold brewed coffee is much smoother and I've found I don't even need any sweetener or creamer!  This has been a lifesaver while eating paleo which I'll delve more deeply into at a later time.  

Cold-brewed Coffee
Take 1/4 cup of ground coffee and place into empty french press.  Fill french press with cold, filtered water and allow to sit for at least 8 hours.  Serve once time has elapsed or refrigerate for a later date.
I prefer to use a darker roasted coffee for cold brewing.  I've found that Starbucks Caffe Verona works wonderfully.  Starbucks is great for getting grounds for a french press as they will grind it more roughly which is suited for this process.



Saturday, December 27, 2014

warm belly food.

I'm a firm believer in eating food that makes you feel good.  Lately, for me, that means eating food that makes me feel warm and full.  I like to call these meals "warm belly food."  Food that fills you from the inside out and makes you feel cozy and happy.  

The inspiration for this dish was solely based on what I already had at home.  As this past week was Christmas and I was spending the majority of my week home with my family I did not do a lot of grocery shopping.  I wanted use up anything I had that would spoil while I was away and, also, make something that would fit my mood.  

Warm Kale and Quinoa Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Bacon
I used one sweet potato, one package of maple bacon, half a cup of uncooked rainbow quinoa and one bunch of kale for this dish and it made 2-3 servings.  I diced the sweet potato and lightly coated coconut oil, salt and pepper.  I then roasted the sweet potato at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes.  Simultaneously, I put the bacon on a foil-covered baking sheet and baked the bacon with the sweet potato for about 20 minutes (until it was crispy, almost burnt).  While the bacon and sweet potato was cooking, I started the quinoa using a half cup and one cup of chicken broth.  Side note:  I had a hard time with quinoa when I first started cooking it.  I've found that using chicken broth gives it great flavor and using lower heat works best.  Once the quinoa was done I tore up my kale and lightly sautéed it using a little coconut oil, salt and pepper.  When all the ingredients had finished cooking I simply combined them in a large bowl and ate!  This dish was simple and delicious and I plan on making it again this week.

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! 


Monday, December 22, 2014

winter solstice.

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year.  Here in Boston the temperature was in the low 30s with flurries of snow on and off all day.  It is also the week of Christmas. On a personal note, this is one of my favorite times of year.  The city is so pretty with the lights everywhere and people seem just a bit more cheerful than normal.  However, being a city of many transplants, a lot of people have already gone home for the holidays.  I, however, am a local.  My family is from just south of Boston so I will be sticking around to work and then celebrate later this week.
Surprisingly, the combination of cold, darkness and absence of friends had me feeling a little less than merry and, to be honest, a little lonesome.  I went to a lovely noon yoga class at Back Bay Yoga and then picked up some groceries at my nearby Whole Foods.  I was inspired by my unexpected feelings to make some hearty comfort food.  I found this recipe and decided it would be the perfect supper for such a dreary day.  I added a little cumin and nixed the bacon in favor of only Wellshire Farms Turkey Andouille Sausage.  It was delicious and I will definitely be making it again.
On a positive note, seeing as this was the shortest day of the year that only means we are on the up-and-up!  Summer WILL be here eventually.  But for now, I am looking forward to celebrating Christmas with my family and finding coziness during the cold to come.

everyday plate.

Welcome to Everyday Plate! Here I hope to chronicle my day-to-day happenings.  Things you'll find on my plate are adventures around my beautiful city, things that I find inspiring such as yoga, people I meet, things I see and, of course, the food I eat and create.  I hope you enjoy!